What do we do at Asalvo to take care of our planet?

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Today, instead of talking about one of our products, or giving you advice about parenthood and pregnancy, we are going to talk about the things we do in Asalvo to protect our planet and our environment. 

When you, as a consumer, are looking for a product or item, there are a lot of things to consider: price, availability, durability, functionality, quality, security, warranty... Since you knew that you were going to become a mother, you have started to think in all the things your baby will need in his firsts months of life: stroller, highchair, car seat, cot... Probably you will look at every aspect we said before when it's time to buy all those things for your baby.

So you will look for a stroller that is the most comfortable one for your baby but also the most functional one for you, a car seat that has the maximum security regulations, you will want the most versatile highchair so your baby can use it in different positions... And besides all that, we are sure that you will also look for the most sustainable options, with recycled or ecological materials, or the ones that have a low impact in our environment.

Asalvo clients are increasingly aware of respect. care and preservation of the environment. Out of repect for them and out of our own conviction, in Asalvo we have started a program called ECOFRIENDS, which integrates all the measures implemented in short, medium and long term for sustainability. We want to share with you some of the points in this plan whose only objective is CONTRIBUTE TO MAKE THIS PLANET A CLEANER AND HEALTHIER PLACE, NOW AND IN THE FUTURE.

it's not easy to define the concept of SUSTAINABILITY, but we are going to explain what it means to us, the Asalvo team, that each one of our products are SUSTAINABLE: a product is sustainable if it satisfies the current client's necessities but doesn't compromise future generation's necessities, allowing us to grow as a company and contribute to global economy's growing while respecting the environment.

-      At ASALVO, we have made a large investment in studying the packaging of all our products in our broad catalogue, with the objective of keeping the use of plastics, paper and cardboard to a minimum. Awareness of the limited use of plastic packaging in our product has been going on for years and we keep trying to take a step forward in that matter. In recent years we have limited and almost eliminated the bubble wrap as a protection measure for our items, replacing it for other biodegradable fillings, and we have eliminated the use of plastic strapping in our boxes.

-      At ASALVO we also work with forestry certifications such as the prestigious PEFC and FSC, both of them highly recognized and consolidated. Without wanting to into technical details, in both cases they are global forest certifications which troughout the supply chainpromote good practices in the forest and ensure that all forest product such as paper and wood are produced respecting the strictest environmental, social and ethical standards. We require this certificates from all suppliers around the world with whom we work, specially the ones regarding the wood for our cots and all types of paper and cardboard packaging.

-   We don't only use recycled paper and cardboard, but we are also adhered to the SIG System by Ecoembes, which makes the collection and management of paper and cardboard scraps easier.

-     A direct way to contribute to sustainability by companies like ASALVO is to manufacture long-lasting products. Thats why we are increasingly focusing on finding suppliers that provide us with highly efficient and durable materials, resistant to abrasions, twists, big pressures and compressions. If a product becomes obsolete quickly or it stops fulfilling its purpose in a short time, it should be always interpreted as a failure from the sustainability point of view. At ASALVO, we don't want this to be our case, so our team of engineers and designers work to meet the sustainability objective.

-         In addition to our products having durability, another of our policies is the manufacturing of multi-function products (the so-called 3 in 1, 4 in 1...) With that objective in mind, we have designed hammocks that turn into highchairs, cots that become playpens, tricycles that become scooters...  From the point of view of reducing consumption, regardless the sales volume, is one more contribution from ASALVO.

-          In addition to everything related to packaging (paper, plastics, cardboard..) we have also minimized the boxes volume so that transportation is more efficient. We want to mention that our transport partners and the shipping companies with whom we work also have sustainability policies. Merchandise transportation currently has a big impact on emmisions to the atmosphere, so we ask the transport companies taht work with us to make an effort to minimize the environmental impact of their activity. It is about reaching total neutrality of CO2 emissions and generating the least amount of waste possible. When it comes to transportation, it is also important to determinate what is urgent and what is not. Carbon footprint of an urgent shipping is way bigger than a non-urgent one. It is up to all of us to work in that direction.

-          When a products becomes obsolete for the general public, or when a product has a small aesthetic defect that doesn't affect its utility, we give it a second life, collaborating with NGO's and public organizations. This practice means the non-destruction of materials whose manufacture has involved considerable industry activity and energy expenditure.

-         In the closest and local level, we try to make our daily routine sustainable and respecful with the environment: in all our facilities we have LED lights with smart systems for turning them on and off, and we also aspire to be self-sufficient by using photovoltaic solar panels.

We have already told you how we contribute to this big challenge that is preserving our environment and our planet. We still have a long way ahead individually, as companies and as public organizations and countries. If you have any suggestion on how we could do even more for sustainability, please contact us, we will be happy to hear you!

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